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E232: Insight Works | PartnerTalks | Brian Neufeld

· PartnerTalks

Brian Neufeld, Director of Marketing at Insight Works, sayshe’s looking forward to some excellent upcoming events.

Insight Works, an ISV specializing inmanufacturing and distribution-focused apps for Dynamics 365 Business Central, will play a big role in two upcoming free DUG-run conferences.

Insight Works has been involved with DUG, and DynamicsCon inparticular, for many years, Brian says.

“We were part of talks a number of years ago when DUG wantedto take a stab at growing (the Dynamics) community,” Brian says. “And the word
that kept showing up was community.”

DUG, or Dynamics User Group, is an independent organizationfocused on Dynamics and Power Platform Partners’ and users’ personal and professional growth. DynamicsCon is DUG’s flagship annual conference series, with separate online and in-person events.

Watch PartnerTalks’ complete interview with Brian byclicking the image below.

“(DUG) really wants to make it about the users,” Brian says.“I think it shows up in the events they do live as well as the virtual events.”

This year’s digital conference, DynamicsCon Virtual 2024, isset to kick off on Nov. 13. The freeevent will feature eight tracks, including a cross-product track for the first
time. Insight Works is sponsoring theconference, which Brian says was an easy decision for the organization.

“It’s growing every year,” he says. “We’re looking forwardto a great event again.”

Insight Works will also be at the Dynamics User GroupCanadian Regional Meetup, set to be held in Toronto on Nov. 26. There, Bryan Gilbert of Insight Works will talk about Business Central and warehousing configuration.

The DUG Canadian Regional Meetup, a free event, will includelunch, coffee and a happy hour in addition to the full day of educational content and elbow-rubbing with subject matter experts.

PartnerTalks will be at both events, and we’re excited tosee you there!

You can sign up for DynamicsCon Virtual here:

You can get your free ticket to the Dynamics User GroupCanadian Regional Meetup here: