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Connecting D365 BC to your CRM with Kerry Peters

It's time to join the ecosystem

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Integrating Microsoft D365 Business Central with your D365 CE system delivers a plethora of incredible capabilities, but there aren’t nearly enough organizations that leverage its capabilities. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers an incredible amount of functionality for both SMBs and mid-market businesses. With processes that range from financial management to supply chain automation, the technology’s versatility and customizability have earned it a user base that continues to grow steadily. 

Many organizations use the software in a vacuum, though, says Kerry Peters. Kerry is a D365 NAV/BC MVP and the CEO of New View Strategies

“There’s so much capability that could be used, and I don’t think people are up to speed,” Kerry says. “I think that people aren’t sure how the connectors (between the two applications) work, how the data moves between the databases and how to get that data structured, clean and running smoothly.” 

 The root of the problem, Kerry says, starts to grow when the user first picks up Business Central. The software is powerful, versatile, and has proven itself in the field – but mastering it requires its users to leap up a steep learning curve. 

“Certainly, people need to learn how to get through the user adoption phase of that,” Kerry says. “I think (people) fail at user adoption far too often. That’s where New View Strategies comes in.” 

New View Strategies helps organizations achieve increased efficiency and higher utilization of their D365 software through current state assessment, value-driven transformation and customized training. Kerry says that her company offers more than 65 distinct classes, boot camps and on-demand learning opportunities. 

As every Dynamics veteran knows, we find the most value in our D365 deployments when we treat it as a connected, synergistic ecosystem.